Wow, what great foresight you've shown, truly keeping "your eye on the prize"! And what a wonderful gift to be able to offer to your children....
Two of these guys for you, since you've earned them:
it went as expected.
i had multiple opportunities to pounce on their inconsistencies....but i refrained.
because i was recording it.
Wow, what great foresight you've shown, truly keeping "your eye on the prize"! And what a wonderful gift to be able to offer to your children....
Two of these guys for you, since you've earned them:
i began pondering about the reasons why this new light was made and have come to a few theories that may be plausible.
my conclusion is that the society is hell bent on eliminating the discrepancies to their authority.. .
the ancient lineage of the faithful and discreet slave - eliminated.
But the new narrative would mean that Christians were able to understand the Bible without the slave for some 1800 years!
Are they actually trying to rewrite the parable to suggest the domestics fed themselves while the master was away? If so, then what did the FWS do to deserve rewarding upon the master's return?
45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
It seems they're completely ignoring the parable by saying that NO ONE was feeding the domestics WHILE the master was away (from 33CE to 1919 CE), although the parable clearly says the appointed slave (FWS) was given the RESPONSIBILITY to feed the domestics WHILE the master was away, and would be rewarded for his faithful service of acting as a good custodian of the master's possessions.
i used to wonder about this when i was still a dub: since they believe the industrialized world is going to be destroyed and the entire earth will be one big garden, exactly what kind of standard of living do they think they will have?
while they might be able to scavenge, say, a microwave oven or washing machine; and they might be able to figure out how to generate electricity, eventually all of these things will wear out and they'll be back in an early 18th century type of life.
people of that time and earlier who enjoyed a high standard of living employed armies of servants to do the dirty work, but since equality will reign in the ns, everyone will have to toil like a slave just to maintain the basics.. or do they think that big j will magically power their washing machines and water pumps and all the stuff that makes modern living so comfortable?.
YHWH will give them 3D printers (located at Resurrection Centers, like one-way airports), and modern devices will just appear. If YHWH can cause dead people to materialize, inanimate objects should be no problem (after all, these people find Paley's Watchmaker argument to be compelling).
May I suggest steel chain and a combination-style padlock?
Well, THAT, too, and it helps if you actually CLOSE the lock (unlike in one of the videos, where there was no lock, or it was just dangling nearby).
it's nearly 2 months now but mrs punk finally left myself (mentally diseased apostate tm) with my 2 non kingdum hell attending boys.. she left when my jw daughter moved out and they moved in together.
i don't think it'll be long before my daughter gets sick of her mum but there you go!!.
i received a call from mrs punk to say: 'i didn't leave you because of the religion!'.
This is the dawn of a new beginning!
Good for you, as time wasted looking in the rear-view mirror is time you're not looking at where you want to go.
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
EOM said this 2 hours ago:
I'm not posting anything else for awhile.
1.5 hours later, EOM said this:
I am taking a quick break...
Mmmm, kay. It's not like you're saying anything that can be taken seriously, anyway...
In addition to indigestion, the differential diagnosis (DDx) for "anointed" should include myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. Just sayin'....
if anybody ever read the two babylons book, it detailed how christianity became corrupt.
how over time, not on the spot, but slowly changes were implemented, it started with forbidding anybody to read or hold the bible, and only the leader/pope etc could teach, once there was full absolute power, then satan was able to put in anything he wanted to corrupt it all.
i am not going to list the articles and scriptures, everybody can find those, i'm just going to quickly show from the history to now how it's happened and the proof and what is happening now.
"Again, a VERY respectable statement and view, in my opinion! While I know you differ in belief, it reminds me of what Ray Franz said about deciding to keep silent where the scriptures do, or where he doesn't understand the meaning. I think the term he used was "a reverent agnosticism." I know that's a bit different from you, but I respect someone SO much more when they can say "I don't know" than claiming to know something that isn't definite."
But CA, you are making a pretty big assumption by thinking that Leo is referring to being agnostic of YHWH, vs some unknown impersonal deity. She can speak for herself when she returns, but I dare say you are reading an interpretation into her statement that was not her intent.
While I self-describe as an atheist, that applies to the God as depicted in the Bible; when it comes to a deistic impersonal power, I have no choice but to remain agnostic. Leo and I CAN prove that the Abrahamic YHWH character IS inconsistent in traits as depicted in the Bible, and she can explain the likely cultural roots of the character; hence it is illogical to believe in YHWH as "real" when His story lies solidly with the domain of mythology.
On the topic of 'unknown unknowns', as a teen who spent too much time pondering philosophical and religious topics I came up with a saying that still holds true:
"Just like a dog riding in back of a pick-up truck lacks the capability to understand the workings of the internal combustion engine which carries him, it would be hubristic for man to think there aren't some concepts that are so far outside of our capabilities of perception and comprehension, yet are such a basic element of our existence, such that we'd never be able to understand them."
HOWEVER, our inability to understand certain unknowns does NOT give us carte blanche permission to sweep them under a rug, ascribing the solution to unknown dieties, AKA "Gods of the gaps". That's foolish, as much phenomena that was ascribed to Gods in the past is now well-understood, and even considered mundane knowledge (eg earthquakes, lightning, healing, etc). It's no excuse to quit expanding knowledge, and that's the concern: fear of entering "God's Domain" to learn 'His' secrets (or steal His fruit) has retarded human progress, which is ironic for those of us who understand there is no "there there".
You have a responsibility to punish that poodle, LHG. Sorry, but there is no other alternative to prevent a future canine crime wave which has already started.
The criminal trait of dogs is evolving right before our very eyes, and give it a few million years or so, and poodles will be cracking safes, hacking computers, disarming alarm systems, etc. That would NOT be good!!!
More evidence:
i used to wonder about this when i was still a dub: since they believe the industrialized world is going to be destroyed and the entire earth will be one big garden, exactly what kind of standard of living do they think they will have?
while they might be able to scavenge, say, a microwave oven or washing machine; and they might be able to figure out how to generate electricity, eventually all of these things will wear out and they'll be back in an early 18th century type of life.
people of that time and earlier who enjoyed a high standard of living employed armies of servants to do the dirty work, but since equality will reign in the ns, everyone will have to toil like a slave just to maintain the basics.. or do they think that big j will magically power their washing machines and water pumps and all the stuff that makes modern living so comfortable?.
RO said:
Wait, what's that? You need more than a 2-year degree to be a nuclear engineer? Oh well, I guess we can kiss Europe goodbye!!!
Well, at least there will be plenty of janitors with mop and broom handling-skills who are well-trained to clean up the toxic mess left after all those melt-downs occur (and they're going to need an eternity to clean it up, what with the half-life of those radioactive isotopes)!